Who We Are

System2Surgery is a private provider of certain abdominal operations. Our main expertise is in keyhole gallbladder and hernia surgery as a day case. Our aim is to suit your individual needs in regards to your surgery and provide a safe expedient service to relieve you of symptoms and get back to your healthy life.

With over 15 years of NHS service David Griffith is an established NHS Consultant at the Royal Cornwall Hospital and the managing director of System2Surgery. He has an excellent record of safety and quality and is the sole surgeon within the company

The inspiration for the company comes from Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky’s Nobel Prize winning theory on System 1 and System 2 thinking. System 2 being a higher thought process, considered, logical and rational.

By understanding and grasping this theory, I have recognised my own thought processes and mastered the ability to engage system 2 and deliver safe surgery.

David Griffith